Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

How sad, how foolish that so many people turn their heads away in indifference, in apathy, and in inertia when they hear of these truths concerning the inward life and the universal laws! They believe that, even if there were any truth in them, these ideas are only for a handful of dreamers, for an esoteric cult with nothing better to do with its time and thought than to entertain them. There does not seem to be any point of contact between these ideas and their own lives, no applicability to their personal selves, and hence, no importance in them at all. How gross this error, how great this blindness! The mystic's knowledge is full of significance for every other man. The mystic's discoveries are full of value for him.

-- Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 2 : Its Choice > # 464