Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

It is not only the workers in art who may get carried away by their concentration, but also the laymen who become the recipients of their productions and put themselves under their charm with a similar degree of concentration. In both cases--in the artist who creates and the layman who contemplates--there is an approach to the borderline of yoga. If it is pure beauty which calls forth their adoration and not some lesser thing, they may indeed cross this borderline and find themselves in a yogic state. What is said here of art is true also of the impulses derived from Nature. If man would only take such moods more seriously and rise to the highest level towards which the mood can carry them, they may well return to ordinary consciousness if not with a glimpse then with the next best thing to a glimpse.

-- Notebooks Category 14: The Arts in Culture > Chapter 3 : Art Experience and Mysticism > # 23

-- Perspectives > Chapter 14: The Arts in Culture > # 65