This Website serves as the online resource for Paul Brunton’s extraordinary wisdom-teachings. We are dedicated to assisting you in your spiritual quest and have designed this site to aid you with your journey. Use it to discover ways to put this living wisdom into your life.
Welcome to the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
Who was Paul Brunton?
Paul Brunton’s remarkable life was in service to wisdom. He was born in the cultural center of London, and his introspective and mystical sensitivity soon led him East, first to India and Egypt, and then around the world to explore spiritual traditions and meet with teachers. Blending his own inner inquiry with ancient and contemporary teachings, PB, as he liked to be called, developed a philosophy and path of practice that suits life in the 21st century, one that expresses the greatest wisdom and love available to humankind—the Wisdom of the Pure Mind and the Love of our own Higher Self.
A lifetime of both inner and outer research enabled Paul Brunton to bring the sacred teachings of the East to the West and make them understandable to the heart and mind. His writings provide spiritual seekers, whether affiliated with a particular path or not, a guide full of wisdom, beauty, and grace that will carry them forward in their quest to realize that greatest of all treasures, their own Higher Self, Soul, or Overself.
About The Teachings
The Complete Archives of Paul Brunton
We are thrilled to announce that the complete digital archives of PB are now available for you to browse and study from the convenience of your computer, tablet, and smart phone! When Paul Brunton died in 1981, he left a large literary and personal legacy.
The digital archive contains all these original documents as well as a text searchable version of most of the files! There are five major series in The Archives of Paul Brunton to explore: Philosophic writings; Biographical Materials; Letters; Visual Media; PB’s Travel Library.
Read The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Online!
For people who are drawn to these spiritual practices, a careful study of The Notebooks of Paul Brunton will provide all of the tools you need for a daily—and lifelong—spiritual adventure. All of the Notebook volumes can be purchased at our store and digital eBook editions are available from major online book retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. To derive the most benefit from the Notebooks, please read “A Note on the Notebooks.”
Listen to an Introduction to PB's Teachings
Superman star Christopher Reeve narrates selections from The Inner Reality and The Secret Path. Read the interesting story of how this recording came to be and listen to PB’s teachings.

4936 NYS Route 414
Burdett, New York 14818
© 2024 Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.