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July 2016 – The Inner Reality, Part 3

The following para is a portion of a study guide prepared by Anna Bornstein, with PB’s assistance and comments, for a Swedish edition of The Inner Reality. The study guide will be listed on the website,, in the section “Publications.”

Bhagavad Gita, “The Lord’s Song”

This text describes the scene on a battlefield before the battle is to begin – one of the Indian avatars (divine incarnations) named Krishna instructs the young prince, Arjuna, who is the leader of the good forces which are fighting those who represent the forces of wickedness. The book is a mixture of bits of history and mythology and deals with a period at least 5,000 years ago, so it is now difficult to separate one from the other. The story may also be taken symbolically as representing the spiritual teachings given by the god Krishna to his devotee, prince Arjuna.

There are different teachings given in each chapter of the Gita. Krishna describes the different paths to the highest human goal, telling Arjuna to choose from them, but one of the reasons for this teaching is to show how to do one’s duty in the world and yet not be dragged down by it – inwardly, one must seek the highest goal.



“The second portion of the Bhagavad Gita is illumined by the high revelation that the Overself exists everywhere, and that the whole of human struggle is really an unconscious quest for the satisfaction its protection alone offers. … One must practice meditation not only at set times but unceasingly, remembering the benefit of aspiration….When you can hold sacred self-remembrance continuously you have succeeded in your meditation. … To succeed in your quest you must turn the mind inward, keeping it at rest in the heart center, while with the surface mind you are living the active life (p. 149).”

By penetrating the cosmic illusion with which Nature confronts us and understanding that this illusion exists only in our minds, we can be led to Truth. “Eventually science will be forced to the conclusion that force is a current which exists in your own mind (p.151).”

“If you make Truth your goal, you are looking for the very highest. You will find that Truth brings its own reward, because all other benefits troop after it. As Jesus said: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all these things shall be added to you.’ That is the root of the whole matter (p. 151).”

PB explains, “It is the great cosmic illusion which deceives you into thinking that this material world is real. Learn to still your mind by the daily practice of meditation. Since it is thought which produces illusion, it follows that when you can empty the mind of thought and achieve mental stillness, you are able to examine the world and observe its real nature (p.152).”

“The body and mind working together create in you the sense of being a separate person or individuality. Yet in the silence of meditation or at unexpected moments you sometimes catch a glimpse of another being in you which normally escapes attention. You feel it to be universal and impersonal. At such moments you are near the cosmic consciousness. You sense it without actually knowing it….

“If you begin to think steadily about what you really are in your innermost nature, the time will come when you find the answer to the question, “What am I?” The sole way by which it can be found is not by external vision or observation, but by entering into conscious unity with your reality (p.153).”

This section continues for several more pages, each sentence bringing light into us. PB’s modern words help us on our way to understanding truths that sages of all ages have sought to bring to mankind.