If you are interested in furthering the work of the Foundation, we are very grateful for your support. Because the PBPF consists of working volunteers, 100% of your donation supports Foundation projects.
”Another characteristic of the philosopher is his capacity to see the point of view of all, of the sinner and the criminal, the weak and the ignorant, equally with that of the saint and the sage. This is born partly out of his developed intelligence, partly out of his profound impersonality, and partly out of his wide compassion. This leads to the consequence that when seeking practical remedies for social wrongs, or redress for private ones, he seeks beneath the surface for ultimate causes. A merely superficial view, which may deceive millions of people, is rejected by him. The punishment of a crime without accompanying ethical education, for instance, he regards as clumsy and inefficient brutality. Prison punishment, especially, should be set in a framework of ethical instruction which includes the doctrine of karma. Without such a setting its deterrent effect is not sufficient to make it more than a half-success and a half-failure.
Paul BruntonThe Notebooks (20.5.116)
Where does your donation go?
Dedicated volunteers receive letters from prisoners, enter their information into a database, package the books, and send them. This keeps the cost of sending each book extraordinarily low.
Donation Costs:
The printing cost of each of these three books together with the envelope, label, and postage comes to a total of less that $4.00 per book.
Your donation makes a difference!
The Prison Gift Project has enabled the Foundation to send over 35,000 Paul Brunton Books, free of charge, to incarcerated men and women at their request. Interest in these books is high and increasing, with literally thousands of prisoners participating.
Multiple copies of What Is Karma? have been sent to anger management and other prisoner rehab programs throughout the U.S. We’ve responded to tens of thousands of personal requests for this book from prisoners all over the country. Recently we have added Meditations for People in Crisis and The Gift of Grace to the books available for selection. Word-of-mouth and notices in prison newsletters stimulate steadily growing interest. We also provide follow-ups with Perspectives and other Notebooks volumes as we can, as well as some works by Anthony Damiani for those who are interested.
”Paul Brunton’s book What Is Karma? teaches prisoners to stop blaming others and take responsibility for their lives and for their karma. Because karma accumulates not only from past action but from their anger last week and their impulse a minute ago, they learn to monitor thoughts, words, and actions. They learn the power of grace and the joy of freedom. In short, there is no more positive far-reaching influence on prisoners than that provided by this one precious book.
Doret Kollerer, Editor and PublisherThe Justice Xpress
”Meditations for People in Crisis by Paul Brunton is an excellent collection of his thoughts edited by Sam and Leslie Cohen with chapters on troubles as teachers, cultivating repose and self-renewal, healing, death and separation, and finding a broader perspective. One of the hallmarks of Brunton's vision is his keen interest in discerning spiritual meaning in everything. Or as he puts it, "When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one." This is a handy little volume of Paul Brunton's wisdom for people in crisis.
Frederic A. BrussatSpirituality in Practice
”The Gift of Grace—“For those on a spiritual quest- no matter the tradition, this text is truly a blessing. It is the most wholesome and constructive presentation of the Divine Presence in a brief form that I have thus far discovered in my 40 years of research. It is fresh and pristine—it is very readable- and thoroughly modern. A great gift to anyone who needs hope and solace in times of crisis—in short, it is good for all.
Amazon Reader Reviewamazon.com
Grateful inmates, prison counselors, and donors have all spoken about the power and importance of this project and its need for your support. Below is a small sample of their writings; many more are available upon request.
“Because of the nature of people’s journey, at the point of incarceration or detention an opening appears to tend toward the spiritual, to search deeper and go beyond ordinary religious material into a broader, deeper discovery. Larson Publications’ books reflect the journey into the spiritual, as opposed to the sectarian or denominational, and provide prisoners with a welcome and needed source of spiritual inspiration. Keep them coming!”
ChaplainSan Diego Correctional Facility
“Wow! It’s so gratifying to see the awakening to the spiritual life in these prisoners, once they get their hands on Paul Brunton’s books. I can hardly imagine a more direct way to bring real spiritual opportunity to people who are acutely hungry for it than by giving OB to people incarcerated in jails. Just looking at their grateful letters—testaments of true change that can ramify out into the larger social framework—moves me deeply.”
“Being part of this program is a gift of Grace for me…. to be of service, in some small way, sharing ideas and ideals that have transformed my life.”
“This brings the whole thing to life! You can donate to hundred of things and get a tax receipt—but seeing my gift give hope to someone who had none, that’s something! My money actually got somewhere that matters, and I’m not just a name on someone’s donor list.”
“Seeing grace touch these people’s hearts, at a point where they could turn around or go off the edge to who knows where, stirs my own deeply. It makes me so grateful to be able to be part of this.”
Thank you very much for your efforts to help those of us who really want to change!
Prisoner, Youngstown, OH
Thank you very much for sending me the two books… As I read them I feel peace. I’m learning that I don’t have to suffer. You are truly a blessing.
Prisoner, Huntsville, TX
What is Karma? was the most inspiring book I have read in a long, long time – it made me feel alive once again.
-Prisoner, Avenal, CA
I have been told about What Is Karma? by a friend I met here… He told me he was a lot like me. He was very angry, unforgiving, and just did not care… He said he loves the book and he has been talking to a lot of men here… I want to change my ways too. I have been checked and I can receive the book.
Prisoner, Sonyea, NY
I have recently read Perspectives… and just received Meditations for People in Crisis and What is Karma? These publications are tremendously helpful and have been incorporated into my everyday life. I plan to use his teachings throughout my life and instill them into my children.
Prisoner, Huntsville, TX
There are not too many people that will take the time for those that are incarcerated and to see us as people and not animals. We are paying for our mistakes to society by being put in prison. But as I see in you people you put all that to the side and give positive attitude towards our esteem and thank you again.
Prisoner, Corcoran, CA
I am a Native American (Navajo)… I would love to obtain most or all of [PB’s] works, for my desire is to introduce the Wisdom to my people. Your help will not only help me but the Navajo people as well.
Prisoner, Florence, AZ
Recently, my girlfriend and I were introduced to a few passages from your book What Is Karma? I can’t describe how the wisdom was so to the point. As young women addressing life’s adversities, it’s a blessing to receive altruistic knowledge, wisdom and direction.
Prisoner, Baltimore, MD
When I first wrote to you I was seeking knowledge on how I could overcome my desire for using drugs… I now see the problem I had from a different perspective, and because of this I now have a renewed faith in myself and humanity.
Prisoner, CA Correctional Institute
What Is Karma?… is one of the most insightful and on time books of my life… I shall pass along the knowledge to others.
Prisoner, AZ
I thank you from my very core and I wish that you may feel the peace that your gift gave me. P.S. I will keep this book always as a guide and also as a reminder of how powerful karma truly is.
Prisoner, Fairfax, SC
What Is Karma? [is] very inspiriting. Each day I read a saving proverb of thought for the day and believe me my brothers, I receive great strength.
Prisoner, Rosharon, TX
I received [What Is Karma?] a couple of weeks ago and have read it through more than seven times. I had to because it was very deep. I don’t want to make this too long but I felt compelling to write you and extend my appreciation. Thank you very much.
Prisoner, Draper, UT
Thank you very much for the books… I have never read anything like them that has opened my mind, my heart and also my soul as much as they have.
Prisoner, Dinwiddie, VA
I am currently incarcerated in the state of Virginia. Before my cellmate was transferred we used to talk at night using What Is Karma?… Your book has opened my inner journey through life up. It’s a must have… You have no idea of how much I am looking forward to continuing reading the book.
Prisoner, VA
I have recently received the book What Is Karma? The book has changed my perspective, attitude, and actions and a completely full spectrum. Thank you!
Prisoner, NC
I have been sharing my edition of What Is Karma? with other inmates around me… I have found that people are made more readily able to learn, or explore their curiosity without some of the usual hesitation… Thank you for all this.
Prisoner, PA
What Is Karma? is so very wonderful!! Words could not say or tell the way that it has truly opened my eyes to something that I didn’t know…
A lot of us don’t have people out there, so without you and people like you, knowledge and understanding, not to mention wisdom, would be unattainable.
Paul Brunton was a great man and his writings have touched my soul. Please thank all the good people that donated.
I have been diligently studying and practicing these teachings… I also have a 4 year old son who I hope to share my knowledge with as soon as I’ve completed my tenure for mistakes and bad decisions.
Prisoner, TX
This book helped me to understand what karma is, how it works, its relation to forgiveness, freedom, and enlightenment.
Prisoner, TX
I regard all human life as an opportunity for achieving something worthwhile. Two years ago I had the experience of reading The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga by Paul Brunton, and was blown away by what this man was saying… I cannot afford to squander time on vain useless efforts which conclude disappointingly in penitentiary again… It saddens me that the one time in my life, when I really need money to buy something extraordinary, I don’t have any, yet should you send me the volumes, they will remain with me the rest of my life.
Prisoner, PA
After reading the first chapter of Perspectives [and realizing] how very insightful and influential this book is, I also find the Notebooks of Paul Brunton need to be read over and over and meditated on and practiced to get the full effect of what the writer was trying to put out… His work is not something you read through and sit down, it needs to be studied over and over and learned… Being instilled with the things of books like this creates compassion and patience. I only wish more people dedicated their time and efforts to such learning. It’s not what a man can do but what one does do what matters.
Prisoner, FL
Good day!
My deepest appreciation for the wonderful book What Is Karma? by Paul Brunton. I have read about half of the book thoughtfully and it has been a great encouragement. Especially in helping me respect the precious opportunity and the impermanence that our life is.
I have come to question the concept of “organized” religion with its inclination to fall back on an “only right” dogma. Yet I feel we may, or I may need a structured community to support our growth, our consistent awareness and to provide celebrations for the different events in our lives as well as reminders and plain opportunities to be joy, as well as being peace. The challenge is balance, and maintaining awareness of true presence.
The book mentions the importance of prayer. To whom? Or, is the “whom” a hangover I have from “organized” training? Perhaps, it is mind training, mindfulness of our thoughts, their origin, their appropriateness and truth, challenging unskillful, habitual thinking, and choosing in growing wisdom. Thus, prayer is more an awareness? Leading the more consistent loving and non-harmful decisions and action.
May we continue to grow,
Be well and know much Peace and Joy!
- Peggy Fry Keating
- Marie Holmes
- Janna Solomon

4936 NYS Route 414
Burdett, New York 14818
© 2024 Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.