PB was a prolific contributor to this periodical, writing under various pseudonyms that can be identified as his. The majority of issues are accessible online, thanks to the IAPSOP project (see http://iapsop.com/archive/materials/occult_review/). However, there are gaps which cannot currently be filled. For this reason, we transcribe a working list compiled by Joscelyn Godwin in 1989 at the library of the Theosophical Society in London. Corrections and additions are welcome.
1919 June, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 317-18: Raphael Meriden, “Along the Mystic Road”*
1921 Nov., 34/5, pp. 274-77: Raphaël Hurst, “The Occult Value of the Scientific Attitude”*
1922 June, 35/6, pp. 352-55: Raphaël Hurst, “The Two Faces of Man”*
1928 Mar., 47/3, pp. 171-73: Raphael Delmonte, “Beyond the Cup of Youth”*
1931, Oct., 54/4, p. 280: Raphael Hurst, review of Thomas Foster, Of Shoes and Ships (Rider)
pp. 284, 287: Raphael Hurst, review of Narasimha Swami, Self Realization: Life and Teachings of Ramana Maharshi (Watkins, agent) [“The mutations of fate threw the present reviewer into contact with Ramana Maharshi for several weeks, and he can unhesitatingly declare that if anyone, in East or West, has reached the sublime state of Nirwana, this wonderful man is probably one of them.”]
1932 Jan., vol. 55/1, p. 61: Raphael Hurst, review of Henry Thomas Hamblin, Healing the “Hard-Times” Consciousness (Author, Chichester). [He ignores karma]
Feb., 55/2. p. 130: Raphael Hurst, review of Nancy Fullwood, The Tower of Light (Macoy). [Weak]
p. 132: Raphael Hurst, review of Manly Palmer Hall, Astrological Keywords (Rider). [Hurst finds the Part of Fortune valuable as indicator of financial sources. Recommends.]
Mar., 55/3, p. 208: Raphael Hurst, review of E. Roer, trans., Brhadaranyaka-Upanishad (Adyar TPH)
Apr., 55/4, p. 277: Raphael Hurst, review of C. W. Leadbeater, The Beginnings of the Sixth Root-Race (Adyar TPH)
May, 55/5, p. 345: Raphael Hurst, review of J. P. Hennings, Astron Imago (Author, St. Louis, Mo)
p. 347: Raphael Hurst, review of Geoffrey Hodson, Man, the Triune God (Roerich Museum)
p. 347: Raphael Hurst, review of H. P. Blavatsky, The Original Programme of the Theosophical Society (Adyar TPH)
June, 55/6, p. 410: Raphael Hurst, letter on “Mental Vacancy versus Mental Absorption.” [Praises m.v. on the part of great men, cites one of the greatest yogis of South India: “I honour the day I became his pupil.”]
July, 56/1, pp. 42-46: Brunton Paul [sic]: “With a South Indian Tantrist”†
p. 61: Raphael Hurst, review of “K,” Sat Darshana Bhasya and Talks with Maharshi (Luzac, agent)
pp. 62-63: Raphael Hurst, review of D. H. W. Owen, The Primary Progressed Horoscope (Fowler)
Aug., 56/2, p. 131: Raphael Hurst, review of Ariel Benson, The Zohar in Moslem and Christian Spain (Routledge)
pp. 134-35: Raphael Hurst, review of K. R. Luckmidas, Modern India Thinks (Kegan Paul, agent)
Sep., 56/3, p. 202: J. F. Lawrence [first appearance?], review of Geoffrey Hodson, The Coming of the Angels (Rider)
p. 203: J. F. Lawrence, review of Johann Ferch, Birth Control (Rider)
p. 204: Paul Brunton [sic], review of Ernest Hunt, Spirit and Music (Rider)
p. 204: Raphael Hurst, review of Christopher Blayre, The Strange Papers of Dr. Blayre Philip Allan). [Eerie tales]
p. 206: Raphael Hurst, review of G. L. Dickinson, The Contribution of Ancient Greece to Modern Life (Allen & Unwin)
Oct., 56/4, p. 278: Raphael Hurst, review of Kutbudin Sultan, The Eloquence of Astrology (Vellone, India)
p. 280: Raphael Hurst, review of Moses Gaster, Conjurations and the Ancient Mysteries (Search Pubg. Co.)
Nov., 56/5, pp. 313-16: Paul Brunton, Crowley’s “Magick” [review article].† [A.A. really means Atlantean Adepts. Since both Crowley and HPB claimed a former life as Cagliostro, “someone has blundered!”]
p. 339: J. F. Lawrence, review of “Sphinx,” The Times Bear Witness (Rider)
p. 340: Paul Brunton, review of Talbot Mundy, The Lion of Petra (Hutchinson)
p. 341: Raphael Hurst, review of E. J. Langford Garstin, The Secret Fire (Search Pubg. Co.). [More irritated than inspired to find that the s.f. is nothing more or less than the Holy Spirit, well explained by Master Jesus.]
pp. 341-42: Paul Brunton, review of W. M. Teape, The Secret Lore of India (Heffer)
p. 342: Raphael Hurst, review of C. P. S. Menon, Early Astronomy and Cosmology (Allen & Unwin)
p. 343: J. F. Lawrence, review of C. A. Dawson Scott, ed., The Guide to Psychic Knowledge (C.W. Daniel)
p. 344: Raphael Hurst, review of J. Stenson Hooker, The Newer Practice of Medicine (C. W. Daniel)
Dec., 56/6, p. 416: Paul Brunton, review of Modern Astrological Ephemeris for 1933 and Year Book (Modern Astrological. Office)
p. 417: J. F. Lawrence, review of Hanna J. Doumette, Petitions Celestial (Sun Pubg. Co., Akron)
p. 420: Paul Brunton, review of P. J. Harwood, Easy Lessons in Astrology (Fowler). [Very good]
1933, Jan., 57/1, p. 53: J. F. Lawrence, review of five pamphlets on psychical research
p. 54: Paul Brunton, review of Musharaff Moulamia Khan, Pages in the Life of a Sufi (Rider). [Stayed up reading it]
p. 55: Paul Brunton, review of Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defence (Rider). [Urgently needed, though I belong to an entirely different school.]
p. 56: Raphael Hurst, review of William Wilson, Astrology (Rider)
Raphael Hurst, review of Shri Purohit Swami, An Indian Monk: His Life and Adventures (Macmillan)
p. 58: Paul Brunton, review of Manly Palmer Hall, The Mystery of Electricity (Rally Office)
p. 59: J. F. Lawrence, review of Elsa Barker, Letters from a Living Dead Man (Rider). [Praises advocacy of reincarnation, and notes that spirits enjoy our music. Like Stainton Moses. Better than usual.
Feb., 57/2, p. 129: J. F. Lawrence, review of Ariel Y. Taylor, The Personal Number Guide (McKay, Pa)
p. 130: Raphael Hurst, review of C. B. Purdom, A Plan of Life (Dent)
p. 131: J. F. Lawrence, review of David Anrias, Through the Eyes of the Masters (Routledge). [“I, as a Theosophist, remain confused…”]
Mar., 57/3, p. 196: J. F. Lawrence, reviews of Helen Keller, Peace at Eventide (Methuen); W. Walter Gill, A Second Manx Scrapbook (Arrowsmith)
p. 197: J. F. Lawrence, review of A. E. Willmott, On the Shore of the Eternal (Stockwell)
p. 198: J. F. Lawrence, review of Raymond Andrea, The Technique of the Master (Rosicrucian Press, San Jose)
p. 201: Paul Brunton, review of Henri Durville, Les portes du temple (Bibliothèque Eudiaque). [Recommended to all, on what Egyptian adepts taught]
p. 203: J. F. Lawrence, review of Esmé Swainson, The Adventures of Rex and Zandah in the Zodiac (Fowler)
p. 203: Raphael Hurst, review of K. Chandrasekharan, Persons and Personalities (Law Jnl. Office, Madras). [Reviewer is proud of his friendship of K. S. Venkataramani, mentioned here]
Apr., 57/4, pp. 269-71: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Johannes Greber, Communication with the Spirit World (Macoy)
G. de Purucker, Occult Glossary (Rider)
Robert Alexander, The Pendulum of Fate (Rider)
M. Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy (Allen & Unwin)
Georges Meautis, The Mysteries of Eleusis (TPH)
May, 57/5, pp. 340-42: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
H. S. Olcott, Old Diary Leaves, vol. V (TPH). [Not a dull line]
Dwight Goddard, A Buddhist Bible (Luzac, agent)
Clifford Bax, That Immortal Sea (Lovat Dickinson)
Mainly on Physical Plane (SPR, Boston)
p. 345: J. F. Lawrence, reviews of H. H. Dallas, The Teachings of Platonius (Macoy). [Mrs. D. got through ouija board. Bligh Bond introduces.]; Hugh J. Schonfield, The New Hebrew Typography (Denis Archer); Michael March, My Heaven (Putnam); M. Wemyss, More Notable Nativities (Modern Astrol. Office)
June, 57/6, pp. 412-14: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Cyril Scott, Music, Its Secret Influence through the Ages (Rider)
Mrs. St. Clair Stobart, Psychic Bible Stories for Young and Old (Wright & Brown)
Alan Macey, Hypnotism Explained (Fenland Pr.)
Brother Joseph, through W. H. Evans, The Candle of the Lord (Wright & Brown)
p. 415: Raphael Hurst, review of M. Udhodas, The Japji: and Discourses on the Gita (Ramakrishna & Sons)
Raphael Hurst, review of David B. McLachlan, Is there a Universe?(Golden Vista Pr.)
J. F. Lawrence, review of Almanach astrologique (Chacornac)
p. 416: J. F. Lawrence, review of Pekka Ervast, HPB: Four Episodes, a play (TPH)
p. 418: J. F. Lawrence, review of Kate Simmons, Divine Psychology (Hamblin)
July, 58/1, pp. 53-55: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Marjorie B. Greenbie, PhD, Personality (Lovat Dickinson)
Leonid, Stars and Your Future (Herbert Jenkins)
George S. Arundale, Mount Everest: Its Spiritual Attainment (Theos. Pr.). [Platitudes]
R. D. Gillespie, The Mind in Daily Life (Methuen)
Aug., 58/2, pp. 124-27: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
E. Gascoin, Les religions inconnues (Gallimard)
E. S. Bates and John V. Dittemore, Mary Baker Eddy: The Truth and the Tradition (Routledge)
Dr. Mulk Raj Anand, The Hindu View of Art (Allen & Unwin). [Has discussed it privately with author]
Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, The Oriental Caravan (Denis Archer)
The Blavatsky Bibliography (Blavatsky Assoc.)
p. 128: J. F. Lawrence, note on H. Ernest Hunt, Marylebone Booklets on Spiritualism (Marylebone Spiritualist Assoc.)
[Periodical is now titled The London Forum]
Sep., 58/3, pp. 197-99: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Rev. Walter Wynn, What Has and What Will Come to Pass (Rider). [Much better than most pyramidologists]
Dr. Julia Seton, Western Symbology (Rally Office)
C. S. Collen-Smith, Youth and Survival (Daniel)
Frederic H. Wood, A Challenge to Sceptics (Two worlds Office)
“Rustic,” Percepts and Precepts (Fowler)
E. F. Lundstrom Our Deeper Destiny (Dorrance)
p. 200: J. F. Lawrence, review of Edith Sergeant, In a Soul’s Mirror (Daniel)
p. 201: J. F. Lawrence, review of H. K. Challoner, Watchers of the Seven Spheres (Routledge)
Oct., 58/4, pp. 247-50: Raphael Hurst, “Helen Keller, Clairvoyante” [Calls R. Steiner “one of the profoundest minds of modern times.” Some awakening of the chakras may have occurred.
pp. 271-73: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
James T. Addison, Life Beyond Death in the Beliefs of Mankind (Allen & Unwin)
Mary Baker Eddy [spirit message via] Alma Morrow, Science and Health (Revised) (Wright & Brown). [“Posthumous’ rubbish]
Horace Leaf, Ahmed’s Daughter (Wright & Brown)
S. Bart Lal, Light on the Anand Yog (Radhaswami Dham). [On inner sound yoga]
Walter Lanyon, Behod the Man! (Fowler). [Repulsively emotional]
Mr. Fomalhaut, Manuel d’astrologie (Vigot Frères)
Nov., 58/5, pp. 343-46: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Geoffrey Hodson, Some Experiments in Four Dimensional Vision (Rider)
William N. Pogson, RIBA, The Art of Water Finding (Br. Soc. of Dowsers)
R. H. Naylor, Home Astrology (Hutchinson)
Noel Taillepied, Traité de l’apparition des esprits, trans. as A Treatise of Ghosts (Fortune Pr.)
Bishop Barnes, Scientific Theory of Religion (Camb. U.P.)
J. Thomas, ed., The History of Buddhist Thought (Kegan Paul)
p. 346: J. F. Lawrence, review of Dr. Jai Chand Sharma, Physical Culture (Fowler)
1934, Jan. 59/1, pp. 51-56: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
David Anrias, Adepts of the Five Elements (Rider)
Alex Cannon, The Invisible Influence (Rider)
Arthur Miles, The Land of the Lingam (Hurst & Blackett)
Millard S. Everett, PhD, Marital Hygiene (Rider)
Walter Wynn, Love’s Closed Down (Rider)
W. P. Knowes, Jim McWhirter (Daniel). [Mazdaznan in disguise. Says polar change will cause change in breath rhythm.]
Jane Cardinal, The Living Idol (Stanley Paul)
Margaret V. Underhill, Deams of Udar (Wright & Brown)
Phyllis Dawson-Clark, The Star-Gazer (Blackwell)
Richard Whitwell, The Golden Book (H. T. Hamblin)
A. Lura Douglas, No (Sun Pubg. Co.). [On what happened in Pyramids during intiation. Excellent little work.]
A. F. Webbing, Something Beyond (Camb. U. P.). [Autobiographical]
Feb., 59/2, pp. 123-36: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
William Kirk, Stories of Second Sight in a Highland Regiment (Mackay, Stirling)
Estelle Stead, Life Eternal (Wright & Brown). [From W. T. Stead, posthumous]
National Laboratory of Psychical Research, Official Science and Psychical Research (Nat. Lab. of Ps. Res.). [Anti-reincarnationist]
Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, containing Arthur Eddington, “The Decline of Determinism”
Noel Jaquin, The Hand of Man (Faber & Faber)
p. 127: Raphael Hurst, review of The Sayings of Meher Baba (Circle Committee)
p. 130: J. F. Lawrence, review of Almanach astrologique 1934 (Chacornac)
Mar., 59/3, pp. 196-200: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Nandor Fodor, Encyclopedia of Psychic Science (Arthurs Pr.)
Ferdinand Divoire, Néant: Paradis ou réunion (Dorbon Ainé)
William F. Lovatt, Hypnosis and Suggestion (Rider)
Theodore Besterman, Men against Women: A Study of Sexual Relations (Methuen)
Edmond Holmes, The Headquarters of Reality (Methuen)
Sir S. Radhakrishnan, East and West in Religion (Allen & Unwin)
p. 203: Raphael Hurst, review of N. V. Thadani, The Mystery of the Mahabharata, vol. II (Bharat Pubg. Ho., Karachi)
[J. F. Lawrence now writes only very short notes, 5 lines or so. Not recorded.]
Apr., 59/4, p. 265: Letter from H. K. Challoner correcting J. F. Lawrence’s statement [Sep. 1933] that in Watchers of the Seven Spheres the illustrations are from the clairvoyant visions of David Anrias. They’re from mine!
pp. 266-70: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic (Lucis). [“A literary event of primary importance to students of occultism”]
The Meaning of the [Oxford] Group (Methuen)
Mohini M. Chatterji, Indian Spirituality (Dent). [He’s still in India, though has broken with the Theos. Soc. On Sivanarayan, a modern Hindu Mahatma, died 1909.]]
Victor Dane, The Gateway to Prosperity (Paragan Pubg. Co.)
Arthur Bryant, The National Character (Longmans)
May, 59/5, pp. 341-46: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
H. Gordon Garbedian, Major Mysteries of Science ((Selwyn & Blount)
C. A. E. Moberly and E. F. Jourdain, An Adventure (Faber & Faber)
E. S. Ritherdon Clark, The Meaning of Immortality (Rider)
Rev. J. W. Potter, Counsellor’s Teaching (Soc. of Communion)
Mrs. E. B. Atty, Revelation of Aquarius (Daniel)
Adela M. Curtis, Bible Study Notes on the Divine Law of Wealth (School of Meditation)
Walter Clemow Lanyon, Out of the Clouds (Fowler)
Miss Edith Pinchin, The Bridge of the Gods in Gaelic Mythology (TPH)
June, 59/6, pp. 413-18: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Felix Guyot, Yoga for the West (Rider)
Yogi Srinivasa Iyangar, trans., Hatha Yoga Pradipika (TPH)
The Kalyana-Kalpataru God Number, a symposium. [PB mentions his stay as guest of Sahabji Maharaj of Dayalbagh, the brilliant head of the Radhaswamis]
Christopher Pleydell-Bouverie, The Cosmic Awakening (Williams & Norgate)
Dr. Leakey, Adam’s Ancestors (Methuen)
Wallis Mansford, Bridging Two Worlds (Rider)
July, 60/1, pp. 53-56: Paul Brunton, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”
Review article on:
Prof. William M. McDougall, Religion and the Science of Life (Methuen)
R. Ursula Somervell, Love or Death: and Anthology of Consolation (Methuen)
Winifred A. Pearce, Earthen Vessels and Other Poems (Circle Editorial Committee)
H. Ernest Hunt, Health First (Rider)
Lord Dunsany, If I Were Dictator (Methuen)
[Henceforth Frank Lind takes over the “Causerie.” He’s long been writing reviews.]
Sep., 60/3 p. 203: Raphael Hurst, review of three booklets by H. Reinheimer, on cancer, vegetarianism, and Darwin
Oct., 60/4, p. 273: Raphael Hurst, review of H. Cadogan, Why Do the Nations? (Stockwell)
1935, Jan., 61/1, p. 58: Raphael Hurst, review of Charles E. O. Carter, Some Principles of Horoscopic Delineation (Foulsham)
1936, Jan., 62/1, p. 64: Paul Brunton, review of F. G. Carnochin and H. C. Adamson, The Empire of the Snakes (Hutchinson)
Oct., pp. 267-72: Paul Brunton, “Egypt—the Home of the Kabbala” [on Enel’s theories]†
* Reprinted in Paul Brunton, Three Essays and a Poem (Earlville NY: Short Path Press, 1989).
† Reprinted in Paul Brunton, Three Articles from the 1930s (Earlville NY: Short Path Press, 1990).

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